Sunday, August 10, 2008


Strategies to save money category

A fancy is a waste?

Understanding the root cause behind your financial problems can help you greatly with the strategies to save money - Think Before You Spend. This is all about evaluating needs and weighing those needs against desires. When I was a college student, I decided to buy an integrated amplifier system that comprises individual speaker, amplifier, tuner and compact disc player. Upon buying I did not even think of the idea whether I will be using it for a long term. But when I was about to complete my study, I started to feel it was a waste purchasing it when I missed my opportunity of travelling abroad which most foreign students grab the chance. So, my wishes just became a dream which never come true.

Before you make a start with the strategies to save money, familiar yourself with the term opportunity cost. It is when you forego one option in order to get one. What choices are you willing, and able, to make? By having this one of the strategies to save money, it sometimes helps to put off the purchase of those "desired" items. Now I found that I do not really need that amplifier system, miserably, I have to keep it because it costs me a lot last time!

Category: Strategies to save money

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